About Us
From engineers to future engineers
We are here to provide you only the most useful materials for these topics so you can start your journey from today.
Our goal is to make it easier for you to become an engineer
We are aware of the lack of materials which are easy to follow. Therefore, we endeavor to publish guides and resources which anyone on any knowledge level can follow, but also get the most out of it. Nonetheless, we strive to provide you not only with the knowledge of programming languages, but also with many skills that an engineer should possess today. Thanks to these tutorials, you will be able to gain new skills which can be useful in other parts of IT industry.
What we provide
- Fundamental concepts of programming languages
- Different programming paradigms
- Skills and techniques
- Different technologies (data analysis, desktop development etc.)
- Hardware logic design

Our team
We are an ambitious group of students at the School of Electrical Engineering at the University of Belgrade working in fields such as: computer science, desktop and web development, cybersecurity and cryptography etc.
We are an ambitious group of students at the School of Electrical Engineering at the University of Belgrade working in fields such as: computer science, desktop and web development, cybersecurity and cryptography etc.