Pointers and references
- Spatial – how much memory your program uses
- Temporal – how long your program runs
Memory and pointers

In the figure above, we see that the value 3 is stored in the memory location at the address 0x1234. Until now, the only way we could access this value is if there was a variable declared at this address. Now, we have an additional way and that is through a pointer (pointer p in the figure). Let’s see how this works in pseudocode:
int *p = 0x1234; //p points to the memory address 0x1234
cout << p; //prints out the memory address 0x1234
cout << *p; //prints out the value (3) stored in the memory location 0x1234
- Pointers are declared by specifying the data type it points to, followed by the character *, and finally the pointer’s name (the naming convention is the same as for regular variables)
- After declaring the pointer, if you write just the name of the pointer, you are accessing the address it’s pointing to
- After declaring the pointer, if you write * followed by the pointer’s name, you are accessing the memory location on the address stored in the pointer

Hence variables are essentially memory locations, they must be stored on some address. The trick now is how do we get the variable’s address? We can use an ampersand operator, denoted as &. We use it by writing the operator followed by the name of the variable and the result is the address where that variable is stored. The following code shows how we point to variables:
int x = 1;
int *a = &x;
cout << a; //prints the address where x is stored
cout << *a; //prints the value stored in x
Hence pointers work on the most basic level in the same way as primitive data types (they store some value, in this case: an address), they are stored in memory the same way as primitive data types. We will now look at the complete model of the memory, including both primitive data type variables and pointers.

In the figure above, we have a variable named x initialized with the value 3 and a pointer p pointing to the variable x. In pseudocode, this would look like this:
int x = 3;
int * p = &x;
cout << x; //prints out 3
cout << *p; //prints out 3
cout << p; //prints out 0x1234
cout << &x; //prints out 0x1234
cout << &p; //prints out 0x1237
Using pointers for array indexing
When we learned about arrays, we said that they are essentially a sequence of variables with the same data type. When we wanted to grab or set a specific value inside of the array, we used indexing – typing the square brackets next to the array and putting the index inside the brackets. In this lecture we have also learned about pointers and how they are used to store the address of the place in memory where the variable is stored. What would happen if we tried to initialize a pointer to point to an array? What would the value be when doing “* <name_of_the_pointer>“?

In the figure above, we see a small portion of the memory. In the memory spaces from address 0x1234 till 0x1236, an array is stored with values 1 till 3. We see a pointer pointing at the start of the array, specifically, at the first element. The last sentence is exactly what happens when we assign the address of the array to a pointer. Here is the equivalent pseudocode for the above figure:
int a[] = {1, 2, 3}; //Adress of the array is starting from 0x1234
int * p = a;
- When using the square brackets to index the array, the address of the first element is taken and the number inside the square brackets
- Those two numbers are added up and the resulting address is used as an access point to the memory location
int a[] = {1, 2, 4, 8};
int * p = a;
p[0] = 3; // Same as a[0] = 3;
Now comes the big question: Can arrays be used as pointers? The answer is yes, but with a slight more work. Elements in arrays are stored in sequential memory locations. If a pointer stores the address to the first element, for us to get the next one, we would have to increase the address stored inside the pointer by one and then use the * to access the element. What about accessing the 3rd element? Increase the pointer’s address by two and access the element from that address! It seems that we can access the Nth element of an array by adding N – 1 to the pointer and accessing the element. Here’s the code for this part:
int a[] = {1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13};
cout << *(a + 0); //prints out 1
cout << *(3 + a); //prints out 5
int * p = a + 4; //p points to the 5th element (8)
p[1] -= 1; //The last element of the array is now 12
<data_type> & <reference_name> = <variable>;
- Naming references follows the same convention as naming variables
- References must be defined (you cannot just declare a reference)
- References must have the same type as the variable they are referencing
- Once a reference to a variable is set, it cannot be changed
int x = 2001;
int& y = x; //y is now a reference of x
x++; // x is now 2002
y++; // y is a reference to x, so x is incremented
cout << x; // Output: 2003
int z = 3;
y = z; //This will not redefine the reference, but assign 3 to x
cout << x; // Output: 3
Table of contents
- Classes and Objects
- Operator Overloading
- Class Inheritance
- Exceptions
- Namespaces
- Templates
- Standard Library
- Additional Problems