
Operators are special tools used to perform various operations on data. Operators can be denoted with special characters (+, -, *…), or with short words (in, or…).

Operator types (number of arguments)

Depending on how many arguments our operator needs for execution, we have unary (one argument) and binary (two arguments) operators.

>>> x = 5
>>> y = 10
>>> z = y/x #binary operator /
>>> print(z)
>>> -x #unary operator -

Operator types (operations they perform)

In Python, we have arithmetic, relational, logical, bitwise, assignment, membership and identity operators.

Arithmetic operators

Arithmetic operators are the most common of them all and are used, as the name says, for arithmetic operations. When we use data values of different types, implicit conversion is performed (the type is automatically transformed into the appropriate one for the given operation). However, if a conversion isn’t possible, program will signal an error. There are also operators that work only with numeric data types.
List of arithmetic operators:
addition operator ( + ) – sums two data values; data types are not necessarily the same, hence implicit conversion is used; addition of strings is called concatenation
>>> 3 + 0.14
>>> 8 + True #True has an integer value of 1
>>> "abc" + "def" 
>>> "xyz" + 1
TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str
#str + int is not allowed

subtraction operator ( ) – subtracts the second data value from the first; works only with numeric data types

>>> 5 - 14
>>> 6.9 - True
>>> "wipher" - "her"
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'str'

multiplication operator ( * ) – multiplies two data values. If both values are non-numerical, the program will signal an error. In contrast, multiplication of integer and string data values is allowed

>>> 15 * 3
>>> 4.5 * 3.9
>>> "abc" * "xyz"
TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'str'
>>> "abc" * 2 

division operator ( / ) – divides first data value with the second one; works only with numeric data types

>>> 100 / 4
>>> 10 / 3
>>> "aaaaaa" / 3
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'int'

exponentiation operator ( ** ) – raises the first data value to the power of the second one. Works only with numeric data types

>>> 2 ** 3
>>> 121 ** 0.5
>>> 1000 ** 0.35

modulus operator ( % ) – divides the first data value by the second one and returns their remainder. Works only with numeric data types

>>> 16 % 4
>>> 13 % 3
>>> 42 % 2.5 #divider doesn't have to be integer value

floor division operator ( // ) – divides the first data value by the second one and then rounds the quotient to the first lower integer value. Works only with numeric data types

>>> 10 // 5
>>> 13 // 4
>>> 23 // 3.33

Relational operators

Relational operators are used for comparison of two data values. Their result is a boolean value (True or False). They can be used with numeric types, as well as strings (in this case, we use string length for comparison), however some relational operators cannot be used between string and numeric type.
List of relational operators:
greater than operator ( > )
>>> 3.14 > 5
>>> "abcdef" > 5 #this is not supported
TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'

less than operator ( < )

>>> "xyz" < "pqrst" #we compare both strings' length

equal to operator ( == )

>>> 12 == 35
>>> "apple" == 5 #this is ok

not equal to operator ( != )

>>> "tiger" != 8 #this is also ok
>>> "pig" != "cat"

greater then or equal to operator ( >= )

>>> 13 >= 13

less than or equal to operator ( <= )

>>> "wolf" <= "beer"

Logical operators

Logical operators are used to perform logical operations between two data values. The values are viewed as boolean data type (True if value != 0, False if value == 0). Logical operators can be used with strings, in which case we use string lengths for calculations.
List of logical operators:
logical and operator ( and ) – the expression “var1 and var2” first evaluates var1 and, if it’s false (var1== 0), returns var1, otherwise result is var2
>>> True and False 
>>> 3 and 8

logical or operator ( or ) – the expression “var1 or var2” first evaluates var1 and, if it’s false, returns var2, otherwise the result is var1

>>> 7 or 10
>>> "Predator" or "Alien"

logical not operator ( not ) – the expression “not(var)” returns True if var is false, else returns False

>>> not(12)
>>> not(0)
>>> not('') 

Bitwise operators

Bitwise operators are used for processing integer values, but in the process, binary representations of those values are used. Binary operators can only be used with integers.
When we use bitwise operators, first the values are converted to binary. Then, we operate on those values, bit-by-bit.
List of bitwise operators:
bitwise and ( & ) – logical and bit-by-bit
>>>  3 & 4 #011 & 100 = 000
>>> 7 & 12 #0111 & 1100 = 0100

bitwise or ( | ) – logical or bit-by-bit

>>> 3 | 12 #0011 | 1100 = 1111

bitwise xor ( ^ ) – logical xor bit-by-bit (xor returns 0 if the bits have the same value, otherwise returns 1)

>>> 6 ^ 19 #10011 ^ 00110 = 10101

bitwise 1’s complement ( ~ ) – for value “x”, it returns “-(x+1)”

>>> ~4
>>> ~13

bitwise left-shift ( << ) – shifts the bitwise representation of a value for a defined number of bits to the left. Each shifting to the left represents multiplication of our value by 2. Shifting by a negative number is not allowed (program signals an error)

>>> 11 << 1 #1011 shifted 1 bit to the left is 10110 (22 in decimal representation)
>>> 9 << 2 #1001 shifted 2 bits to the left is 100100 (36 in decimal representation)

bitwise right-shift ( >> ) – shifts the bitwise representation of a value for a defined number of bits to the right. Each shifting to the right represents floor division of our value by 2. Shifting by a negative number is not allowed (program signals an error)

>>> 16 >> 1 #10000 when shifted 1 bit to the right is 1000 (8 in decimal representation)
>>> 35 >> 3 #100011 when shifted 3 bits to the right is 100 (4 in decimal representation)

Assignment operators

Assignment operators are used to assign a value to a variable. They are divided into two categories:
  • assign operator
  • combined assignment operators.
Assign operator ( = ) is used to set a value of any data type to our variable.
>>> a = "elephant"

Combined assignment operators are a combination of an arithmetic/bitwise operator and the assign operator. These operators work as follows:

x @= y 

Symbol @ represents the arithmetic or bitwise operator used in the combination with the assign operator
(=). Expression x @= y is equivalent to x = x @ y, but this way we saved up a little space in our code.
List of combined assignment operators:
add and assign operator ( += )
>>> b = 8
>>> b += 2
>>> print(b)

-subtract and assign operator ( -= )

>>> c = 5
>>> c -= 3
>>> print(c)

multiply and assign operator ( *= )

>>> d = 5
>>> d *= 4
>>> print(d)

divide and assign operator ( /= )

>>> e = 75
>>> e /= 5
>>> print(e)

exponentiation and assign operator ( **= )

>>> f = 2
>>> f **= 10
>>> print(f)

modulus and assign operator ( %= )

>>> g = 13
>>> g %= 5
>>> print(g)

floor division and assign operator ( //= )

>>> h = 125
>>> h //= 11
>>> print(h)

bitwise and and assign ( &= )

>>> i = 3
>>> i &= 4
>>> print(i)

bitwise or and assign ( |= )

>>> j = 12
>>> j |= 2
>>> print(j)

bitwise xor and assign ( ^= )

>>> k = 6
>>> k ^= 14
>>> print(k)

bitwise left shift and assign ( <<= )

>>> l = 5
>>> l <<= 2
>>> print(l)

bitwise right shift and assign ( >>= )

>>> m = 17
>>> m >>= 3
>>> print(m)

There can be only one assignment operator in the expression:

>>> x = 15
>>> y = (x += 2) #we cannot have two assignment operators
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Identity operators

Identity operators are used to determine whether a value is of a certain class(classes will be explained in later chapters) or type. The result value is a boolean (True or False). Identity operators can be used with any data type.
List of identity operators:
is operator ( is ) – returns True if the data type or value on the left is the same as the data type/value specified on the right, otherwise returns False
>>> x = 10
>>> type(x) is float
>>> type(x) is int

not is operator ( is not ) – returns True if the type of the value on the left is not the same as the type specified on the right, otherwise returns False

>>> x = "pikachu"
>>> y = "hesoyam"
>>> z = 2.5
>>> type(x) is not type(y)
>>> type(x) is not type(z)

Membership operators

Membership operators are used to check if a value belongs to a list or a tuple (more complex data types that will be explained in one of the next lessons).
List of membership operators:
in operator ( in ) – returns True if the value is in the list or tuple, otherwise returns False
not in operator ( not in ) – returns True if the value isn’t in the list or tuple, otherwise returns False
>>> arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] #definition of a list
>>> var1 = 4
>>> var2 = 3.5
>>> var1 in arr #we check if var1 is element of arr 
>>> var2 not in arr #we check if var2 is element of arr 

Operator precedence

Back in elementary school, you must’ve ran into some maths expressions with no brackets and a lot of arithmetic operations, but you weren’t sure which one to evaluate first. Then the teachers told you that multiplication and division are always evaluated first, then addition and subtraction.
In programming, we face similar problems, but with much more operations. Operator precedence is very important when facing this kind of problems. It shows us the order of operation execution in case we have to perform multiple operations in a single expression in our program. Also, we must keep in mind the associativity– when we have multiple operators of the same level of priority one after another in an expression, we must know whether we execute them from left to right, or from right to left.
Here’s the table with all the operators, whose precedence decreases from the top to the bottom.

Here’s an example of how operator precedence works, as well as associativity among operators of the same priority level:

>>> x = 15
>>> y = 23
>>> z = 46
>>> res = -~(x + y | 4 ^ z // x) ** 2
>>> '''order of operation execution: 
       1. parentheses 
       2. addition 
       3. floor division 
       4. bitwise XOR 
       5. bitwise OR,
       6. exponentiation,
       7. bitwise complement 
       8. unary minus

Table of contents

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